[ZIMBRA] Prevent User Customizing “FROM” header


Some of our Zimbra customers are complaining for authenticated user can customizing FROM header which can lead to fraud email. this issue can be reproduce by using thunderbird once compose an email as following picture.


or by using this script, change variables username, password, fake_from and to_addr based on your environment.


I created customized milter engine using python milter library for my workaroud with following features:

Continue reading “[ZIMBRA] Prevent User Customizing “FROM” header”

Getting all Zimbra Task Through SOAP

For example you want to fetch all task list which has branch in it as this picture.tasks_tree

You can fetch them using soap call Search for filter recursively task folder from root dir (/) and GetFolder for fetch task detail, here’s the example script of using mentioned soap call.

Continue reading “Getting all Zimbra Task Through SOAP”

Using Django Template Outside Project

if you have similar needs for using django template outside django project then this snipped will be useful.

import django
from django.template import Template, Context
from django.conf import settings
# optional if you just render str instead of template file
from django.template.loader import get_template
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
# if you want to render using template file
'DIRS': ['/tmp/template_dirs']
# variables that will be passed to template
vars = {'name':'mochtar'}
print Template("Using string = {{name}}").render(Context(vars))
# file say_hello.tmpl located in folder /tmp/template_dirs as it's configured above
print get_template("say_hello.tmpl").render(vars)

Enhance ClearOS 6 Password Policy


Our customer using ClearOS 6 (professional edition) to store user password and almost all applications using it as external authentication so user only has to remember one password and Zimbra is one of the application.

Recently the public IP that used as mail outgoing traffic being listed in RBL and by our check in server we found there are some user account has been hijacked so it’s sending spam email to outside domain (gmail.com, outlook.com, etc) then i set suspected status to close in zimbra also reset it’s password randomly  but it’s happen quite frequently.

Then i created simple php script using clearOS API to scan weak password (based on list), surprisingly there are bunch of user using weak password such as “Passwd11”, “Paasword88”, etc. so i conclude the builtin password policy in ClearOS is not good enough to prevent it.


Based on my experience create and modifying ClearOS module (as it’s just a PHP code) i modified ClearOS user module. to increase password policy by following criteria:

  • Maximum length
  • Minimum length
  • Minimum uppercase
  • Minimum numeric character
  • Minimum punctuation character
  • Forbid user to use username within password
  • Forbid user to use password that listed in weak password list.

Continue reading “Enhance ClearOS 6 Password Policy”

Using HTTPS on CherryPY

Here’s CherryPY app configuration for using HTTPS:

  'server.ssl_module': 'builtin',
  'server.ssl_certificate': '/opt/myapp/conf/cert/cert.crt',
  'server.ssl_private_key': '/opt/myapp/conf/cert/cert.key',

for ssl module module you can use builtin or pyopensll (by installing pyOpenSSL module). Use this command if you want create self sign certificate.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.key -out cert.crt

Dump & Restore MongoDB With Specified Collection and DB

For example i have collection with name logs and db postfix, the output for dumped DB will be located to /tmp/backupmong

mongodump --out /tmp/backupmong/ --collection logs --db postfix

The command above will generating 2 files .bson and .metadata.json

Here’s the command for restoring the database (collection) by using .bson file.

mongorestore /tmp/backupmong/postfix/logs.bson -d anotherdb -c anotercol